Episode 16 – Tips for the Holidays


EP 16  Tips for the Holidays

This episode focuses on how I've made adjustments in how we celebrated Thanksgiving and Chrismast over the years through the various stages of Alzheimer's disease. I will Share some lessons learned as well as tips that may be helpful to you as you experience the holidays with your loved one.

I will tell you of a recent experience,  where I realized I was creating anxiety for myself. By using some of the techniques I learned in my faith based coaching certification, I was able to “coach” myself and realize what was really causing my stress and depression.

Topics covered in this episode :

  • Tip from our Mild, Moderate and Severe stages experiences

  • Options for celebrating with or large family

  • Understanding how our Loved One thinks about the holidays

  • Reducing stress and depression

  • How I coached myself through this years dilemma 


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